We are living in the technological age. This digital has made life easier, made information available and privacy and security utterly important. There is an app for everything we need from health needs to social media. Apps monitor our finances, watch our houses, provide our food, gives us access to information help us manage our daily lives. Apps are a blessing of convenience and time management. Nonetheless there is a dark side to app usage. The curse of so much technology lies in the fact that for the sake of convenience ease and access that technology provides, we have sacrificed privacy, safety and behavioral modification of our children.
The curse of access lies in the fact of so much information that we really don’t have time to process think deeply or even filter the information that is presented to us. Therefore, we do not have the opportunity to develop online critical thinking nor do many have the skills to edit the information that is presented to them. This is extremely problematic for our young people who have not fully developed neurologically or psychologically. Adults have the capacity to reason ,focus and if necessary augment and edit, but our children have not developed those skills as of yet. Therefore, society, parents, educators and legislatures, must enable people to navigate the digital terrain. This can be done through a comprehensive continual and systematic teaching of digital citizenship to all stakeholders. From the child in elementary school to the parents at home to the teacher who needs to be up to date on digital issues digital development and practices is necessary.
Undoubetedly,access has been a tremendous blessing. During the height of the Covid -19 lockdown many people remained connected to valuable services via the internet. Apps could help us schedule and keep lifesaving doctor’s appointment. Many people attended church services, worked from home, and kept in touch with friends and family during this time. Due to our fears of infection and the lack of a vaccine at that time, we banked online, shopped online, ordered food and groceries online while never leaving the safety and sanctity of home. Despite the blessings, curses of connectivity, one thing is evident. The age of apps and internet is here and as a society we must deal with both the good and bad that it brings.Choose your apps wisely and ill see you in cyberspace.Schurn.
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